Check out my pic

Really short post.

My pic of pizza from my Pizza Heaven review  is on the homepage of FOODBUZZ.COM.

Check it out!

A little piece of heaven

Yesterday after church, I was starving!  I hadn’t eaten breakfast, just a cup of coffee.  I was helping out at the Angel Food sales desk and we (my sisinlaw n friends) chatted thru the entire 1st service.  We were in the lobby, not inside the sanctuary.  So, we decided to stay for the 2nd service and didn’t leave the church until around 2pm.  I was really HANGRY by that time!  I was with my nephews, one wanted to go to Tijuana Flats and the little one (the picky eater) wanted pizza.  So pizza it was.

We headed over to Pizza Heaven in Weston.  It’s a small Italian restaurant that has been around for ever.  When I used to work the Weston territory, I would always rush into Pizza Heaven for a quick sub or salad.  They’re very friendly and the service is quick.  The staff makes you feel like you’re dining in their home, super friendly, casual and comfortable.

We ordered a large Sicilian pizza with half cheese (for the picky eater) and half pepperoni and it was delicious.  The crust was thick and crunchy, not greasy. 

Pizza Heaven

Square thick crust pie!

Pizza Heaven










I did indulge today, no doubt.  The garlic rolls came and were gone in a flash!  I had two!

Pizza Heaven

I had my garlic quota for the week!









My brother ordered a shrimp bisque appetizer that was made with 3 jumbo shrimp in a creamy pink soup.  Yummy, I would have had that as a meal.  It had a slight spicey twang.

Pizza Heaven









And we finished a nice lunch with a warm capuccino.

Pizza Heaven

love the sugar sticks












I will be walking and jogging a few miles today to burn off those garlic rolls.  But because I eat healthy I can indulge once in a while.  What actually made this pizza heavenly, the company… So if you’re near Weston, check it out.

Pizza Heaven  4420 Weston Rd  Weston,Fl 33331  954.349.4566


Weekend Wrap up part1

My first live professional hockey game was a blast.  My nephews, sisinlaw and I went to see the Panthers play Friday night and beat out the Philly Flyers 4-2.  We had so much fun.  The best part was that it was COLD in there! (outside it was 88 degrees)  It felt so good.  I really enjoyed watching my nephew almost burst a vein while screaming and cheering for the Cats!











mE and Ryan

mE and Ryan









Not much to talk about as far as food goes.  I had yogurt and fruit for breakfast, leftover pasta for lunch and dinner. 


It started out as a nice lazy morning.  I was really craving a hot breakfast since I now have a/c again.  So I whipped up 2 egg whites, spinach, pureed cauliflower and made a yummy omelet.









hummus on the Arnold thins :)

hummus on the Arnold thins 🙂

Out of nowhere, (at least I didn’t see it coming) a rain and thunderstorm came blowing thru.   I thought my plans to go to the Beach Clean Up  later in the afternoon were ruined, but not so.  It cleared up a little and I headed east to Fort Lauderdale Beach.
cloudy but pretty

cloudy but pretty

I met up with the families that came out to clean up our beautiful beaches.  This is such a great way to teach children about how important it is to love our earth. 
I made a new friend, Maria.  This adorable 9year old is excited about keeping our environment clean
The kids get a certificate for participating in the beach clean up.
We filled up a large trash bag full of cigarette butts, bottle caps, plastics and other yucky stuff you don’t want to know about.
I was really hungry by the time I got home and quickly made a turkey bacon, spinach and fat free cheese pizza for Hunter, Chelsea and myself.  Watched a movie (BenButton) and off to bed.
I’m so looking forward to the cool front headed our way!!!!!!!!!!

It’s gettin’ hot in here!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I didn’t sleep well.  The a/c is not cooling.  The temperature in my house was reading 80 degrees.  It was actually cooler outside last night (77).  Now all the ceiling fans are running and it’s not so bad. (who am I kidding, yes it’s bad).  Boy are we spoiled.  But then again, it is South Florida I live in and air conditioning is not an option, it’s a must.









None the less I am grateful!  Because I have those ceiling fans and they are cooling off my house until the a/c gets fixed.  That’s what I do now, I don’t  fret all day or torment myself over something I don’t have control over at the moment.  There’s always a bright side to every situation.  This too shall pass.


I wanted a cup of coffee so bad this morning but it’s just too hot, so I enjoyed cold yogurt and fruit instead.n  Thank you Lord that I have that choice!

Fage yogurt and a peach

Fage yogurt and a peach










Last night I made pizza with tofu, tempeh and spinach and it was really good.

spinach, tofu and tempeh pizza

spinach, tofu and tempeh pizza












I threw some fat free mozzarella  over it and it was a yummy, healthy din-din.

Well, I have a lot more yardwork to do but it’s just not going to happen today.  It’s too hot!

Chat at ya later!

Quickie weekend

Wow, quicky weekend.  It seemed to really fly by and I didn’t even do much.  Heck I did nothing.

Saturday:  watched chick flicks…All day!  I do mean all day!

Sunday:  Church (heavy duty, much needed sermon on forgiveness), lunch with family, back home, long walk in the evening.

That’s it, that was my weekend. 

I do remember I said I was going to get up early, get out the door and run.  What I hadn’t realized is that it was Friday and I had no intention of getting up early on Saturday morning.  So I didn’t.  What I did do was make pizza for lunch and pizza for dinner.

chicken spinach n mozzarella pizza

chicken spinach n mozzarella pizza









really yummy

really yummy









Sunday, my mom made a fish soup with shrimp, fish, plantains, and other veggies.  I had a small bowl since I wasnt in the mood for soup.  It was my brother’s birthday and that’s what he requested.  I did have a fish croquette and some avocado.  Sorry, no pics, forgot my camera.

I keep hearing about tempeh and have been wanting to try it.  Tempeh is a cultured cake of beans and grains and this one was  made with organic soybeans.  So dinner was a sandwich prepared with tempeh marinaded in lemon n pepper, spinach, avocado and tomato on whole grain thin bread (spread with guac).  And I washed it down with a super yummy green smoothie.









Tempeh sandwich







Tempeh sandwich and green smoothie

Tempeh sandwich and green smoothie












I went for a loooonnng walk tonight and there was a slight breeze, not quite fall here yet.  

Now I’m going to bed early like I promised.