Blogger’s Block!!!

I know, I’ve been M.I.A. 

I just have a case of blogger’s block.   There just seems to be a lot going on and I’m a bit distracted.  So I will spare you all of the details and  entertain you with my eats for the last few days.  I really haven’t been cooking much.  My meals have been consisting of quickie sandwiches (healthy) and green smoothies.

A couple of mornings began with a great omelet and smoothie (FUEL!!!!)

turkey,onions,spinach,tomato,egg whites

added some pepper

And faa-lip












Saturday was a busy one and it started with a 1/2 Luna bar and coffee. ( I hate running late).

White chocolate macadamia










That Luna bar has been in my purse for over a month.  I keep it with me for, well you know, emergency.  And this was an emergency.  I helped out with the Angel Food distribution  on Saturday and then spent the rest of my day running errands.

Angel Food ready for distribution I did sneak in a great tofu - veggie - stirfry.tofu,broccoli,onions,garlic,carrots,sweet potato


Served the stir-fry over brown rice

I also had a frozen ‘healthy’ meal while I was rushing around.  Pumpkin squash ravioli.

Healthy Choice pumpkin squash ravioli

And that’s all I got! 


This week has been wonderful.  In a very quiet, peaceful way, The Lord has continued to show up in my life and he just keeps reminding me (I forget sometimes) how much he loves me.  I, in turn am trying to show my love for others, just as he would want me to.  We love, but sometimes we just forget to show and tell people how much they mean to us.  I received this card this week from a friend…..thankyou.

Made my day!

Made my day!












“A friend loves at all times…..”  Proverbs 17:17

Who is God putting on your heart today?  Give them a call, mail them a card, stop by for a visit, bake them a pie.  🙂  

My rant for the month

You know why many businesses go under??  Because they have NO business sense. NONE. ZIP.NIL.

Wednesday, after my mammo the receptionist at the center told me that I had a balance and owed $1.  Yep, one dolla.  I asked what for and she had no clue.  So after browsing thru her paperwork, she told me, don’t worry about it.  Well, today in the mail I received a bill, a statement for the $1 .  They spent .44 cents to mail it, included a self addressed envelope, not to mention the ink it cost to print that statement, and I’m sure someone spent a good 30 minutes to get this done.  GIVE ME A BREAK!!!  When I call them on Monday, someone in that office will spend more time trying to figure out what it’s for and waste even more time and money. 

And they used COLOR!!! envelope and paper

And they used COLOR!!! envelope and paper










Ok, now that I’m done with that rant let me take you in another direction.

Unicef has a ‘trick or treat for Unicef’  campaign to get kids involved in fundraising to save children’s lives.  My 9 year old nephew, Ryan donated the money he had left over from his birthday, $40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We watched a video about children from around the world who are not as blessed as he is and he understood.  He didn’t even hesitate.  He just said I want to give my $40 bucks!  I LOVE YOU RYAN….YOU GET IT!

Teach your kids the importance of helping others.

UNICEF – Support UNICEF – Halloween fundraising

Tues to do list..mammo..check..lunch……CHECK!

Well I had another mammogram and man did that sucka hurt!!!!!!   The doctor wanted to see more of my left booby and so a spot compression was done.  And did she compress on that spot.  Seriously, it hurt!  Hopefully all is well and I won’t have to have that done again until next year. 

I have a long to-do list for today and so far, well I managed to make a great lunch and there will be leftovers for dinner tonight.  I love wraps and usually stuff them with lots of yummy, healthy foods.  Ok, so chicken was marinading since morning in my favorites,  Mojo, honey mustard, and spicy sauce.  If you marinade your chicken or steaks in these I guarantee you will be happy with the outcome.

my fave marinade

my fave marinade










Next, I added pepper, adobo, oregano flakes and paprika.  I love to use paprika to add color to the chicken.











cooking in its juices

cooking in its juices

While the chicken was cooking in it’s yummy juices I added some onions, carrot strips and spinach.
I wanted some fries with my wrap but they are off limits, so I cut up some sweet potato and sprinkled them with salt and pepper. 
Chicken’s still cooking and an amazing aroma is filling my house.   The sweet potato fries go  in the oven to bake at 425 for about 15-20 minutes.
Next, I cut up some avocado and before I know it….chicken’s done!  Start layering the whole wheat wrap with carrots, spinach, onions
chicken wrap
Add the avocados
chicken wrap
Wrap it up and start munchin’ on the ssaaaweeeeetttt potato fries
chicken wrap n sweet potato fries

Tag, you’re it!

I got my walk/run in last night after all.  My sweet 9 year old nephew, Ryan, read my post last night.  So he asked me if I wanted to walk with him.  IS THAT THE SWEETEST?  We left the house around 7:30p and walked and ran throughout  my entire community playing “tag, you’re it”.  What a great way to get your jogging done.  I was chasing this lil’ boy who runs like a cheetah and  before I knew it we had been out for over 45 minutes. 

We left with my camera in hand looking for  ‘fun halloween decorated homes’.  There weren’t a lot, not a whole lot of pumpkin spirit around here.  These were our two favorites.


















Lunch was really filling yesterday  and for dinner I wasn’t very hungry so I just  had some turkey slices on hummus spread bread thins.

If you’re local to me and looking for something to do this weekend, come and join me as we visit the elderly with the Holiday Project  on Saturday Oct 24 9:30a-noon.  Email me for more details

Also, the Pembroke Gardens Mall  has a “Pink Health Fair” going on Saturday, October 24, 1p-3p.  There will be mobile mammograms, diet & nutrition experts, presentations by doctors and more.  I love this mall!

Well, got to go now as I have another mammogram this morning.  I pray all is well.

Chat at ya later.

Today’s masterpiece!

Sometimes I just wonder where my day goes.  I really wanted to do my walk/run this morning but somehow never did.  I got distracted doing other things and before I knew it, it was time to go pick up my nephew at school.  So I regret not going for my walk/run earlier because now the lil’ guy won’t be picked up until after 8:30p tonight.  By that time, I need major motivation to go out and exercise.   Here’s today’s eats so far. 

Breakfast:  Fage yogurt, a peach and 1/2 an apple with cinnamon

Yogurt with fruit


















LUNCH:  Tilapia and salad

Tilapia, yogurt and panko crumbs cooked in 1 tbsp of olive oil for a couple of minutes on each side.  The fish was seasoned with sea salt, pepper and paprika.

Tilapia cooked with yogurt n panko crumbs

Tilapia cooked with yogurt n panko crumbs








I started the salad with baby spinach, tomato and avocado

Beginning of a great salad

Beginning of a great salad










Then the baby carrots and edamame were boiled for a lil’ bit, rinsed in cold water, and added to the salad.









I sprinkled the fish with a lil’ lemon juice, the salad with pepper and added some balsamic vinegar.

To die for!









And finally, added some lots of feta cheese.









And there you have today’s masterpiece to make up for yesterday’s epic fail.


Good morning and Happy Tuesday!

You know it’s going to be a great day when this is the first thing you see in the morning.












Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD.

Ezekiel 1:28


 OCT20 09











It’s crisp and cool and beautiful!!!  Have a blessed day!


Today started off like most Mondays.  I got up at 6:30a, woke up Hunter, watched him leave for school, resisted the TEMPTATION to get back in my cozy bed, made a yummy cup of coffee, ate some yogurt and a banana and spent some quiet time with my Bible.   Afterwards, did some housework, filled out job applications and eventually around noon went for a nice loooonnnngg walk. 

I made it home just in time get ready to go pick up my nephew at school, then had a Walmart run to make and was home after 3pm.  I was starving and made the quickest , saddest looking lunch, a boca veggie burger.  I was so hungry I didn’t take the extra 30 seconds to slice up tomato or add spinach.  Nope, my hungry self couldn’t wait. 

Here’s the epic fail……..My newest pride and joy in the food world are my green smoothies.  Today I made the ugliest most disgusting smoothie and I’m not sure what happened.  It was bad.  😦

It started out looking pretty good.  I added the regular 1 1/2 cup of spinach, strawberries, blueberries, green tea tbsp of p.b. and agave nectar.  I know the blueberries make it more of a brown color (if I add too many), but this was an ugly brown. And it tasted as bad as it looked.  So Ryan and I tried adding some frozen mango chunks but the damage was already done.  Oh well, I’ll share the pics with you and you be the judge.  I guess the peanut butter and green tea don’t mix well.

Started ok with yogurt, banana n cinnamon

Started ok with yogurt, banana n cinnamon









See it doesn't look bad getting started

See it doesn't look bad getting started




















the burger was plain but tasty

the burger was plain but tasty













I was tired and did something I rarely do……took a nap.   Dinner was leftover grilled chicken and brown rice.

I’m pooped and going to bed. 

Nite all!

It’s finally ‘FALL’ here- weekend wrap pt2

Just 2 days ago I was sweating like a pig in my own house.  It was hot inside because the a/c wasn’t working.  It was hot outside because, well because it’s South Florida in October.  But, today is another story, another day.

IT’S IN THE 50’S TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s heavenly.  So this is what an October fall day is like.  Church was wonderful.  I LOVE my church  and church family.  God is doing so many wonderful things there.

After church, my sisinlaw and I went next door to the nursery as they are celebrating fall with a festival every weekend this month.   There were lots of families enjoying the horse drawn hayrides, decorations, pumpkin carving contests, pumpkin and banana bread samples, and more.  Here’s some pics:

fall decorations

fall decorations










more fall decorations

more fall decorations





















Horse drawn hayrides

Horse drawn hayrides







The Farmer’s Market there had yummy samples and I wish they had samples of these huge cookies.  They looked so good, but I resisted the temptation to devour one or two of them.

Jumbo cookies

Jumbo cookies










This is an entry for the ‘scarecrow decorating’ contest:

chef scary-crow

chef scary-crow










It was windy, chilly and absolutely wonderful!

windy n cold

windy n cold

We were starving and headed down the street to the perfect lunch spot for a day like this.  The Vienna Coffee House & Bistro in Cooper City is a small, warm, cozy, friendly  place with yummy soups and sandwiches.  The service is great!
cozy n cute

cozy n cute

I had a cup of cream of spinach soup to warm me up.
nice hot soup for a cold day

nice hot soup for a cold day

AND the yummiest plate of bruscetta.  
sooooo good!

sooooo good!

My sis had a turkey wrap that looked so yummy.  I love how they serve on beautiful china.
We had coffee and a capuccino to complete a great lunch.
And finally, for me, the best way to end the day is with a gorgeous sunset.
That my friends is the end of a great weekend!  Be blessed!

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