A quickie visit to Miami and a quickie green meal

So much to do, such little time.  And that’s coming from someone who’s not working.  ME.  But I do keep busy.  That’s why I’ve slacked on the blogging.  I’ve been doing some research on something I’m working on, volunteering at church, attending 2 bible studies, running errands, keeping my home nice and clean, doing laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, going to doctor appts, etc, etc…..who the heck has time for a j.o.b?  (journey of the broke).  😦

But seriously, I don’t know where the time goes, and I’m pretty good with time management.  And for the record, because I know what you’re thinking, I only use Facebook while working in other screens.  I’m happy to announce that I’m one of only a few people who doesn’t play Farmville 🙂     It’s kind of interesting that some people I know are on Farmville from morning to night.  Can you say ‘addiction’…. 

Well, this morning I had to go to downtown Miami.  It’s a lovely place until you need a parking spot.  I drove around for 30 minutes and after praying to God, I got a spot right in front of the building I was going to.  Thank you Jesus!!  You’re so good to me.  There are still so many unoccupied, unfinished high rise condo buildings in that area. 










Drove by the Heat Arena …GO HEAT!












And the Freedom Tower……I can’t believe this pic turned out so clear since I was driving.










I lived in Miami for 30 years but am now happy calling the Broward county suburbs my home.

I was starving when I got home and made my favorite quickie meal……tofu over spinach salad and a green smoothie.  I had been marinading the tofu in some Mojo, mustard and spicy sauce. 








Sauteed the tofu with onions and when it was done (15 min.) poured it over some spinach leaves and avocado.

Tofu, spinach, avocado, onions and feta










While the tofu was cooking I baked some sweet potato chips and made a green smoothie with banana, strawberries,mango, oj and 2 cups of spinach.






















So yummy and healthy.  What’s your favorite quickie meal?


It’s taco night! kinda

What an absolutely beautiful morning! I got up as usual 6:30am, ate some peanut butter on bread, laced up my shoes and headed out the door. It felt so good to walk my 3 miles in the early a.m. On my last 1/2 mile I met up with a 95 year old sweet lady (YES 95!!) who was taking a stroll with her walker and friend. God bless her, I hope I can walk if I make it to 95!! So inspiring!

Well, my mom came for a visit yesterday and guess what we did…..yep her favorite….yardwork!










I made us an egg-white omelet with chopped onions, spinach and tomatoes. And my mommy loved my green smoothie!












My mom always comes bearing gifts and this is what she brought me….








Chestnuts from her recent trip to Alabama!  And this beautiful and delish avocado!









These lovelies from her garden…










and this adorable sapphire ornament for my Christmas tree….

Last night I made a yummy turkey taco but on Arnold whole grain bread instead of taco shells.  Soooo good.  This quickie meal was whipped up in 20 minutes.    Add adobo, chopped onions, paprika, sea salt and pepper to some Jenni-O ground turkey.  Cook until done. 









Toast the bread  and top with turkey, tomato, avocado and salsa!




Turkey taco on Arnold thin

Turkey taco on Arnold thin bread

One of these served up with some baked sweet potato fries is more than filling!







Eat well, live long and enjoy a taco night!

Blogger’s Block!!!

I know, I’ve been M.I.A. 

I just have a case of blogger’s block.   There just seems to be a lot going on and I’m a bit distracted.  So I will spare you all of the details and  entertain you with my eats for the last few days.  I really haven’t been cooking much.  My meals have been consisting of quickie sandwiches (healthy) and green smoothies.

A couple of mornings began with a great omelet and smoothie (FUEL!!!!)

turkey,onions,spinach,tomato,egg whites

added some pepper

And faa-lip












Saturday was a busy one and it started with a 1/2 Luna bar and coffee. ( I hate running late).

White chocolate macadamia










That Luna bar has been in my purse for over a month.  I keep it with me for, well you know, emergency.  And this was an emergency.  I helped out with the Angel Food distribution  on Saturday and then spent the rest of my day running errands.

Angel Food ready for distribution I did sneak in a great tofu - veggie - stirfry.tofu,broccoli,onions,garlic,carrots,sweet potato


Served the stir-fry over brown rice

I also had a frozen ‘healthy’ meal while I was rushing around.  Pumpkin squash ravioli.

Healthy Choice pumpkin squash ravioli

And that’s all I got! 

Tues to do list..mammo..check..lunch……CHECK!

Well I had another mammogram and man did that sucka hurt!!!!!!   The doctor wanted to see more of my left booby and so a spot compression was done.  And did she compress on that spot.  Seriously, it hurt!  Hopefully all is well and I won’t have to have that done again until next year. 

I have a long to-do list for today and so far, well I managed to make a great lunch and there will be leftovers for dinner tonight.  I love wraps and usually stuff them with lots of yummy, healthy foods.  Ok, so chicken was marinading since morning in my favorites,  Mojo, honey mustard, and spicy sauce.  If you marinade your chicken or steaks in these I guarantee you will be happy with the outcome.

my fave marinade

my fave marinade










Next, I added pepper, adobo, oregano flakes and paprika.  I love to use paprika to add color to the chicken.











cooking in its juices

cooking in its juices

While the chicken was cooking in it’s yummy juices I added some onions, carrot strips and spinach.
I wanted some fries with my wrap but they are off limits, so I cut up some sweet potato and sprinkled them with salt and pepper. 
Chicken’s still cooking and an amazing aroma is filling my house.   The sweet potato fries go  in the oven to bake at 425 for about 15-20 minutes.
Next, I cut up some avocado and before I know it….chicken’s done!  Start layering the whole wheat wrap with carrots, spinach, onions
chicken wrap
Add the avocados
chicken wrap
Wrap it up and start munchin’ on the ssaaaweeeeetttt potato fries
chicken wrap n sweet potato fries

My not so Manic Monday

Monday seems to be a blur. Don’t remember it much.  Hunter stayed home from school because over the weekend he played football and was bit by some little creature.  Could have been an ant, spider, who knows.  His elbow swelled up like a baseball.  I waited 24hours and the swelling went down and all is back to normal.

I was directed to a great opportunity and need your votes DAILY in order to go on to phase 2 of this contest/job application.  Go here  and vote for me daily, I would greatly, greatly appreciate it. Seriously.  Thankyou!!

Food yesterday was light, and filling.  Yogurt and fruit for breakfast, leftovers for lunch and a yummy dinner.

leftover shrimp,tofu,brown rice, edamame for lunch

leftover shrimp,tofu,brown rice, edamame for lunch










Dinner was baked salmon, baked sweet potato slices and asparagus.

sweet potato slices in the oven

sweet potato slices in the oven









Salmon going in the oven

Salmon going in the oven











Then I made a ‘mojo’ with 2 tbsp olive oil, garlic, lemon juice.

sauteeing olive oil, garlic, lemon juice....smells so good

sauteeing olive oil, garlic, lemon juice....smells so good











Drizzled mojo over the salmon and the sweet potato slices. 










That was my not so manic Monday!