I’m sore, but it feels good! not really, it hurts.

Did I say that?  I’m sore but it feels good?  I’m definitely sore and it hurts.  But yes in a satisfaction kind of way it feels good knowing I worked out hard and that’s the reason for the good pain.

I’m really enjoying starting my days with my Bible, cup of coffee and lots of silence, no noise, unplugged.

Plugging into God daily

Plugging into God daily










Breakfast needed to be major fuel because today I  started week 3 of the C25K program  and I put in an hour of yardwork.  (that’s why I’m so sore).  I mixed up some plain greek yogurt and some vanilla Chobani, added a banana, raisins, blueberries, Kashi honey sunshine, agave and cinnamon.

Greek vanilla Chobani yogurt

Greek vanilla Chobani yogurt






















Today I did the week 3, day one of the c25k workout and felt great!  It wasn’t until my yardwork workout that I started to feel some pain.  The bending, squatting, pulling just seems to kick my butt!!! Literally my butt!  It hurts!  But not in a “I pulled something” kind of way, it hurts in a “wow, I worked my butt off” kind of way.  I keep telling myself it’s good pain.  What’s that saying, no pain-no gain.  I guess I’m gaining!

I was exhausted because it’s really hot here in South Florida and finally went inside for a much needed smoothie.













  • 1 1/2 cup of spinach
  • frozen strawberries
  • frozen mango
  • cup O.J.
  • 2 tbsp plain Oikos yogurt
  • tsp agave nectar

I drank two of these babies (yes another liquid lunch) and 1/2 an apple with some peanut butter.

I was really tempted to take a nap but I showered and had some job applications to fill out.  This blog gig I’m applying for would be great.  Can you imagine someone paying you $5k each month to write a daily blog???  THAT’S WHY I NEED YOUR VOTE!!!!  click here. thanks!

Dinner was a quick chicken n veggie wrap.  Grilled chicken breasts, onions, carrots, edamame.  Spread some hummus on the whole wheat  wrap, added tomato, avocado.  Melted some mozzarella cheese on the chicken and threw it all together.  Quick, easy and super tasty and healthy.

carrots and edamame sauteeing

carrots and edamame sauteeing









Chicken carrots edamame

Chicken carrots edamame











Prepping the wrap

Prepping the wrap









Melted fatfree mozzarella on the chicken

Melted fatfree mozzarella on the chicken









Toss it all together and wrap it up!

Toss it all together and wrap it up!

Eat well, live long and VOTE FOR ME to be employed!

Caffeined up!

Starting this month I will be divulging more detailed information about my weight loss journey.  I’ve been enjoying this new healthy eating so much that I have neglected to give details about my specific weight loss goals.  I truly am enjoying putting together fruits and veggies and creating some yummy snacks and meals that are lo-calorie.  Even though it’s time consuming, I will be putting together a ‘recipe’ page with my quick and easy creations.  Your suggestions are welcomed.

Friday I slept in and I hate when I do that because I tend to feel sleepier when I get too much sleep.  Normally I get up at 6:30 with my son, sometimes make him a quickie breakfast  and then start my morning.  Yesterday I went back to sleep at 7a and woke up at 10a…yikes!  I had a small cup of yogurt, banana and cinnamon.  Then I did my C25K walk/run  for 30 minutes.  I spent some time on my job search (need a job badly), made some phone calls and before I knew it I was hungry again.  

  Lunch was a green smoothie that turned brown because of the blueberries and a yummy salad drizzled with balsamic dressing.

spinach, strawberries, blueberries, mango, oj

spinach, strawberries, blueberries, mango, oj











ready to blend

ready to blend









spinach, tomatoes,cucumber,avocado, edamame

spinach, tomatoes,cucumber,avocado, edamame











green smoothie n salad












I love this lunch because it’s light but filling.  The edamame has lots of protein.

Later in the afternoon I “craved” coffee.  Since caffeine keeps me up, I don’t usually drink coffee any later than 5p unless it’s decaf.  I brewed  a cup and sat and ‘designed’ my front and backyard landscaping.  I’ve been working on my yard and have a visual of what I want it to look like.  So I sat with my favorite magazine and cup of coffee.










Oh boy the caffeine kicked in and I felt an urge to  move furniture.  So I FINALLY moved the dead treadmill  into the garage and moved a sofa into its place.

sofa replaced treadmill

sofa replaced treadmill










I mopped the floor in my family room (aren’t they shiny)  and did some laundry.  I’ve been using vinegar to clean my floors and I love how shiny it leaves them.  Whenever I sit and look at a design magazine I get ideas and so I started to rearrange a few things in the kitchen.  Brought in some fresh flowers from the yard and voila, ready for fall.

I worked up an appetite after all that work and dinner was a yummy veggie wrap.  I sauteed broccoli, asparagus, carrots  and onions in a tbsp of olive oil and spicy teriyaki sauce.  Then I spread my homemade hummus on a whole wheat wrap and filled it with the veggies.  I only ate half of the wrap.  Chelsea ate the other half.  That girl (my son’s gf) can eat!  She’s tiny but eats like a man, a big man!

veggie wrap







yummy veggie wrap

yummy veggie wrap












Later I snacked on walnuts while catching up on Grey’s Anatomy. 











That coffee kept me up pretty late. I think I finally went to bed around 2am.  See, I told ya the caffeine kicks my butt.

Beautiful Sunday

Church was awesome….”Plugging into God’s Will”… Matt 6:10 Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

After I left church, I went next door to visit the nursery and was pleasantly surprised.  I hadn’t been there in a while and they now have a Farmer’s Market.  This is one of the prettiest nurseries I’ve ever seen.

Waterfall entrance

Waterfall entrance


































Since I’ve been working on my yard, I decided that I would eventually like to grow a small veggie garden.  These boxes are such a great way for a novice like me to grow herbs and veggies.

mini herb garden box

mini herb garden box










and flowers….so pretty!


























After sampling some delish caesar’s dressing and other goodies I headed home for a light snack.  I had a wasa cracker, spinach dip, and lots of feta.  I love this!    wasa cracker,spinach and feta
My nephew turned 15 and we went bowling to celebrate.  I love bowling.  But bowling did not like me today. 
Here’s my son trying to spin his pink ball.
Hunter "strikes" a pose

Hunter "strikes" a pose

I had 1 small slice of pizza, birthday cake and ice cream.   So I indulged a bit this weekend, no biggie.  I look forward to eating lots of veggies and fruits this week.
I’m bummed to say this, but I think I’ve caught another cold.  I don’t know what’s up with my system, but I hope this doesn’t get any worse.  Thank God I was able to enjoy my weekend, it was beautiful!
Eat well, live long and indulge once in a while!

Non Guilty Pleasure! Unplug

Today was part deaux of yardwork duty, and I’m sore.  I can barely type.  My arms, legs, thighs, butt are all screaming loudly.  But I’m getting a lot done and there is satisfaction in that.  Soooooo, I did what sore people should do……luxuriated in a bubble bath   :)…..aaaahhhhh…..calgon…actually it was Aveeno .

I can’t remember the last time I filled the tub (for myself,  not my nephew).








Oatmeal soothing mix

Oatmeal soothing mix









poured a couple of these in there

poured a couple of these in there











Got my candles lit……..










Sprinkled bath with flowers

Sprinkled bath with flowers






More flowers and rosepetals

More flowers and rosepetals






I told you it was a non quilty pleasure…..

Gotta have bubbles

Gotta have bubbles














Hold on foodies, promise food pics coming up soon….




My church is doing a fall series called ” Unplugged” …unplug from the noise and plug into God .  We’re reading from  the book of John and doing daily devotions.  Well, today I unplugged in a bubble bath and had a nice quiet long prayer time with my Lord.   Thank you Father for your love and Mercy!
I should probably do another post for the food, but, I’m too tired.  It’s all going here. Last night’s dinner was a frozen meal (Kashi) and it was kind of bland.  Followed by a Kashi   cookie.  I was too pooped to cook.   
Kind of blah

Kind of blah








 kashi cookie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   









My energy for all this yardwork today came from yogurt and fruit in the morning followed by a power smoothie!!!  Loving those green monster smoothies.  

Dinner tonight was a healthy, lo-cal fish, cauliflower mash and avocado.



fish in tbsp EVOO,adobo,paprika,salt,pepper 

Steaming Cauliflower for "mashed cauli"

Steaming Cauliflower for "mashed cauli"











Cauliflower Garlic Mash

  • steam 1/2 head of cauliflower florets
  • puree florets in blender with garlic clove
  • pour back in pan, add 1tsp butter 
  • stir (for thicker mash, add potato flakes)
  • Tastes just like mashed potatoes  🙂     
fish, mash and avocado

fish, mash and avocado










So there you have it.  Wow, the kink in my neck is gone  🙂   thanks bubble bath.

Eat well, live long and take a bubble bath  🙂

Who needs a gym workout??Come to my yard

Who the heck needs a gym workout when you have an overgrown and unattended yard??!  It rained a lot this weekend and that just fuels up the weeds, plants and trees in my yard.  I decided that I would spend an hour out in the yard and I ended up with quite the workout:

Arms….pulling weeds, branches, swinging the machete since I broke the garden big scissor thingy.  I hope I can pick up a pencil tomorrow, cuz they hurt.

legs & butt……squatting, bending, squatting, bending, and lunging at some points.

God is merciful tho….he gave me a much needed rainfall (minus lightning) to refresh me.  He knew I wouldn’t have lasted 20 minutes without that shower.  Felt so good to just be in the rain.

These are some of the branches that no longer live in my yard. 

some of my work!

some of my work!









These purple things  are taking over!

pretty but they MULTIPLY fast!

pretty but they MULTIPLY fast!












more purple plants

more purple plants














I picked some roses….

I love roses

I love roses













and some of these pretty white (insert name here if you know it) flowers.

pretty white flowers








and made a bouquet for my neighbor…..hope it lifts her spirits a bit.

flowers for a friend

flowers for a friend

I came inside and QUICKLY made a snack before I passed out!  A Wasa cracker, hummus, tomato…..and.. 
energizer snack
and a Mango Green Monster:
Mango, 1 1/2 cups spinach, 1/4 cup OJ, 1/4 cup milk, agave nectar. 
Soooooooo refreshing! I love love love this one!
In a big martini glass
I started my morning with Peanut butter and pumpkin butter on whole grain thins.  I love pumpkin and this butter is soooooo   good.  Plus a nice cup of coffee.
I’m not sure what dinner will be…..hhhhmmmmmm….
Eat well, live long and do some yardwork!!