Non Guilty Pleasure! Unplug

Today was part deaux of yardwork duty, and I’m sore.  I can barely type.  My arms, legs, thighs, butt are all screaming loudly.  But I’m getting a lot done and there is satisfaction in that.  Soooooo, I did what sore people should do……luxuriated in a bubble bath   :)…..aaaahhhhh…..calgon…actually it was Aveeno .

I can’t remember the last time I filled the tub (for myself,  not my nephew).








Oatmeal soothing mix

Oatmeal soothing mix









poured a couple of these in there

poured a couple of these in there











Got my candles lit……..










Sprinkled bath with flowers

Sprinkled bath with flowers






More flowers and rosepetals

More flowers and rosepetals






I told you it was a non quilty pleasure…..

Gotta have bubbles

Gotta have bubbles














Hold on foodies, promise food pics coming up soon….




My church is doing a fall series called ” Unplugged” …unplug from the noise and plug into God .  We’re reading from  the book of John and doing daily devotions.  Well, today I unplugged in a bubble bath and had a nice quiet long prayer time with my Lord.   Thank you Father for your love and Mercy!
I should probably do another post for the food, but, I’m too tired.  It’s all going here. Last night’s dinner was a frozen meal (Kashi) and it was kind of bland.  Followed by a Kashi   cookie.  I was too pooped to cook.   
Kind of blah

Kind of blah








 kashi cookie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   









My energy for all this yardwork today came from yogurt and fruit in the morning followed by a power smoothie!!!  Loving those green monster smoothies.  

Dinner tonight was a healthy, lo-cal fish, cauliflower mash and avocado.



fish in tbsp EVOO,adobo,paprika,salt,pepper 

Steaming Cauliflower for "mashed cauli"

Steaming Cauliflower for "mashed cauli"











Cauliflower Garlic Mash

  • steam 1/2 head of cauliflower florets
  • puree florets in blender with garlic clove
  • pour back in pan, add 1tsp butter 
  • stir (for thicker mash, add potato flakes)
  • Tastes just like mashed potatoes  🙂     
fish, mash and avocado

fish, mash and avocado










So there you have it.  Wow, the kink in my neck is gone  🙂   thanks bubble bath.

Eat well, live long and take a bubble bath  🙂